Monday, July 10, 2006

Lost my Fire ?

People say I lost my fire,
Did I leave it on some pyre?
Used to smoke like a dragon,
Now it’s just an icy wagon!
Did I really loose my fire?

Trimmed out all my attire,
Earlier it was just barbwire,
Likes to be in an eye of storm,
Crushing feelings like a worm
Did I really loose my fire?

Loaded guns I used to carry,
Up on toes always wary!
Holster replaced by pious thread,
Cool & composed now it reads!
Did I really loose my fire?

Days were those full of aversion,
Placid now, got a diversion!
Reached a shrine, have my time
Melodies around, of wind chimes.
Did I really loose my fire?

It’s just a time like a season
Waiting for a perfect reason,
Giving time for wounds to heal
And still have the ardent zeal
Did I really loose my fire?

No I was never outta way,
Telling me the ominous ray
Will be back with a bang
Always will be the omega bang
No I never lost my fire!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are always on fire///////////